Crystals and Pressure Points: How do They Work Together?
What are Healing Crystals?

A very powerful healing stone. It has a very high iron content, hence it is red in color. Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, enhances the flow of life force in the body, combats fatigue and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, strengthens our energy, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is a great tool to help you improve your mental and physical performance using natural energy.

Tiger Iron is a protective stone composed of three component stones - the grounding power and circulatory affinity of hematite; the healing power and blood-cleansing abilities of red jasper; the energizing power and clarity inducing strength of tigereye. A powerful stone, Tiger Iron lends strength, stamina and energy to the physical body to aid in recovery and grounding. Helping to reduce suffering from deep exhaustion, especially in relation to emotional or mental burn-out.

Snowflake Obsidian is a powerful healing stone. In addition to the common healing properties of Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian is both calming and soothing. It empowers you to value mistakes as well as recognize successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognize and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns, freeing up mental space and allowing you to focus on the present and maintain inner calm and peace.
To help you understand the connection between crystals and pressure points, we must first answer what a pressure point is. Let me give you an illustration; when you stub your toe, bump your knee, or whack your elbow, the first thing you do is reach for the spot that hurts. Pressure points refer to an area of the body that may produce significant pain or are more susceptible to pain. When we get hurt, we often massage the area of discomfort without even realizing it — this is the essence of acupressure. Understanding the basics of this practice can make self-treatment even more beneficial to help you relax and even manage chronic pain.
Acupressure is a practice in traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been applied for over 2,000 years. It’s used as a method to activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms for alleviating pain and treating illnesses. Much like acupuncture, which uses small needles, acupressure stimulates the body at certain pressure points.

How Do Crystals and Pressure Points Work Together?
When these two practices are combined, the healing treatment provides a state of relaxation where the body and the mind can let go of everyday stress and will create a harmonious feeling that makes individuals susceptible to change. When healing crystals are used as part of acupressure and acupuncture, they are able to cleanse and realign chakras and pressure points which may have been blocked, fragmented, weak, or overactive. Energy healing with crystals can tackle these imbalances and restore the energy field of the body to help us feel grounded, focused and complete. Furthermore, placing specific crystals on the body can help to invigorate the body's natural healing ability and restore their energy systems.
What is Crystal Acupressure?
These cycles interact with each other to form what we refer to as the “Yin” and “Yang” energy in our bodies. Yang is known as the positive life force and is generally considered to be the active force that creates an attractive chemical reaction in the body. It is also a compressive, implosive, solidifying, and crystallizing force. While the Yin is considered to be the negative force which creates and disperses energy by repelling, dilating, expanding, exploding, and liquifying chemical changes as the counterbalance force. This Yin-Yang balance creates harmony within the body that allows for normal functions to occur as well creating a sense of well-being in the body, mind, and spirit. Yin and Yang should be seen as an ever-evolving force of energy that is continually changing within its own rhythmic pattern. While some parts of the body can be considered primarily as Yin or Yang, it should be understood that each part has a small amount of the opposing force to keep a true balance which results in a healthy body.
The cycles mentioned above that provoke the flow of energy within the body is very much the same as the blood that flows in our veins. Experts have been able to locate 16 pathways through which our energy flows. These pathways are known as meridians and have been divided into two categories: the 12 organs and the 4 vessels. As mentioned earlier, along with the meridian lies our pressure points, which when stimulated, toned, or sedated (balanced) have a direct effect on the organs of the body, as well as the mental or emotional state of the individual. Using healing crystals on these identified pressure points can cause a great change in the flow of the body’s energy, as each crystal has its own unique power. Some stones collect and hold energy, while others amplify and disperse energy. They can also be used individually or collectively to balance the energy flow and to help heal and balance the Yin-Yang forces.