Our Story

I created Orli because I went through a life-altering health journey that caused me to become more in tune with my body, my mental health, and the amount of technology in my life. For a time, I had technology telling me how I slept, how good my workouts were, how recovered my body was and so much more! I struggled with gut health and struggled to maintain a healthy weight which caused stress and anxiety.  Everywhere I looked it was another tech solution to wear on my wrist.

After searching for alternatives I was introduced to eastern medicine. Specifically acupressure and crystal healing. Over the course of 4 months incorporating regular acupressure treatments and exercises as well as natural crystal energy into my life, I noticed significant improvements in my mood, the quality of my sleep, my gut health and my overall anxiety levels.

The problem was, how could I incorporate both acupressure and crystals into my everyday life and routine?

Out of this, Orli was born. Orli offers premium quality, ethically sourced and all-natural crystal energy bracelets that passively stimulate the pericardium pressure point on your wrist. The Orli design is meant to act as a visual cue to trigger a mental connection to the flow of energy. I created Orli to share the powerful results that I personally experienced. I hope you enjoy Orli Bands as much as I do!



Founder & Owner of Orli


P.S - Check out the photo below to see me testing out prototypes on the mountain biking trails of Northern California!